Enrichment and enhacement through an extensive range of curriculum opportunities
Our point of difference is how we offer your family academic excellence, with extensive curriculum opportunities, strong pastoral care, and welfare support programs. Your child will benefit from enrichment and enhancement in core learning and extra-curricular programs.
Progressive learning in digital technologies, such as ‘coding’ programs, access to quality 21st Century facilities and resources such as iPads and touch screen computers will advantage your child.
Our Prep buddy and student leadership roles, coupled with an active parent network and committed school community, ensures Frankston Heights Primary is the best school.
To further build student excellence, our school facilitates ‘The Victorian High-Ability Program’ (VHAP), offering our high performing students an opportunity to engage with like-minded peers, every week, to extend their learning in English and Mathematics.
Children with high-ability, who are well above the expected standard, are selected to participate each term in a structured learning extension program, designed to stimulate students’ critical thinking, problem solving and creativity and build their confidence and wellbeing in a supportive way.
Our school promotes high academic performance for all students and endorses ‘Gifted and Talented’ forums and sessions for their involvement. Programs cover a range of topics to extend and broaden children’s understanding of subjects areas such as, scientific principles, coding and design technologies, mathematics extension, music and arts, including literature and writing workshops.
Our school promotes sustainable practices to minimise litter in the schoolyard, recycle paper, compost garden waste, and promote healthy individuals through our Nude Food initiative each week. Our school’s ‘Green Team’ or ‘Eco Teams’ care for our sustainable gardens, harvesting produce such as vegetables, herbs and fruit from our veggie patch.
Your child will love being environmentally conscious, while visiting the garden and watching seedlings grow, even helping to weed, plant, water, tend the worms and complete other gardening jobs. Parent volunteers assist every week and any produce is picked and harvested for cooking or market garden sales.
Frankston Heights primary offers extensive Physical Education and Sports Enrichment experiences through its core learning and extra-curricular programs. Interschool Sport, House Swimming, Athletics and Cross-Country Competitions are annual Sporting Events. Sporting Clinics such as: AFL, Cricket, Soccer, Rugby, Lacrosse, Hockey, Netball and Basketball are delivered through PE lessons. Excellence in Sport is promoted, with SEDA Work Experience students attending to work with our PE teacher and student body to endorse high level avenues for our students, into sporting academies.
Alongside both the Physical Education and Sport programs, we offer an intensive full week of swimming tuition for students in prep to Year 4. Our Year 5-6 students enjoy a beach swimming program, designed to teach swimming in a bay environment, offering a life saving program, including CPR and water safety skills.
Years 3 and 4 students participate in an accredited Bike Education Program giving practise in both practical riding sessions and road safety theory sessions. Basic bike safety, riding in a straight line, using brakes, scanning, and basic road rules that all young riders need to know are taught to build your child’s confidence to safely ride a bike and develop this skill for life.
At Frankston Heights Primary School we offer a free Sporting Schools program each term, an Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children’s participation in sport, and to connect children local community sport.
This program is run as an after-school activity, with a different sport offered for the students to trial.
All sessions are conducted by qualified coaches and students are fully supervised, providing a quality organised sporting experience, whilst nurturing a lifelong love of sport.
Our outdoor Education Program promotes the enjoyment of camps for all our students in Year 3-6. Students attend overnight camps in well-chosen locations, starting with a 3-day educational experience in Yr 3 and extending to an adventure camping program over 5 days in Years 5&6.
The students enjoy these camps immensely, spending fun time together and using teamwork to learn different skills and knowledge outside of the classroom environment.
By attending camps your child will experience unique challenges, such as: rock climbing, flying fox, horse riding, giant swing, swimming, canoeing, hiking, hut building and raft making.
At Frankston Heights Primary your child will be allocated a genuine Prep Buddy who will be a Senior school student and present as an outstanding role model, taking exceptional care to look after your child. Our Prep Buddy Program ensures your child will build positive relationships with their peers, will help them feel safe in the school environment and introduce them to new friends. Your child will meet their buddy as part of their Prep Transition Program.
Our school provides an above State Mean ratio of computers, iPads and peripheral technologies to provide a 1: 1 program in Digital and Design Technologies. Our significant investment in managing our infrastructure, hardware and technical support ensures an exceptional technology program for your child to learn in a digitally safe online world. As an accredited eSmart school, your child will learn about cybersafety and being a responsible digital citizen.
Our instructional approach to teaching your child ensures authentic learning experiences are provided through meaningful Inquiry Units. Learning experiences will enable your child to collaborate with others, create, design, test, and think critically, while problem solving. The broad range of learning incorporates a range of digital media; such as: iMovies, Stop Animation, Minecraft, 3D Design, Game Making, Blogging, Film, Coding, Robotics, Web Design and App Design.
Enriching technology experiences are offered with students designing, creating, evaluating and sharing personal digital projects and presenting these across their school communities, including at Digitech conferences.
Student voice is an integral part of our education programs at Frankston Heights. This may occur through classroom meetings, individual conferences, student surveys and our Student Leadership Program. We acknowledge that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education. Our students actively contribute to decision making processes and are given opportunities to put forward their views, concerns and ideas. Student voice allows children to engage, participate, lead and learn.
I love FHPS because you are always loved. You can make amazing friends.
- Shiloh, Student
Our family will forever be thankful for all of the ongoing support that FHPS has provided Cheryl and staff have proactively addressed any issues or concerns that have arisen with support and respect. Our boys have thrived in this environment
- FHPS Parent
I love FHPS because of the lovely teachers I learn with. I also love all the wonderful books in the library and what amazing friends there is to meet.
- Audrey, Student
We have wonderful play grounds at FHPS
- Jarrod, Student
I like how this school is because everyone is kind. The learning is not too easy or too hard, it’s just right so I don’t get my brain tied up and I’m challenged. I chose FHPS because it’s the best place.
- Akshaya V, Student