Acting Principal’s Welcome

I am proud to be the acting principal of this exemplary school, where your child will be immersed in an environment that is reflective of our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.

Our fundamental purpose is to have high expectations of ourselves and others in a socially responsible manner, with the central concern of the school being for your child.

Our interactions with you and your child are based on mutual respect, compassion, and empathy at all times. Our school is highly regarded within the local community, offering students a safe, caring and nurturing learning environment, built on a positive and supportive school culture.

Our dedicated teachers and committed staff genuinely care about your child’s social and emotional happiness and will work in close partnership with you to personalise your child’s learning to achieve success, and to meet your child’s educational and wellbeing needs.

Our Team

Our school is structured to build supportive relationships around shared values and shared norms of practice. Shared Leadership empowers teams to work within a Professional Learning Community structure to improve student outcomes.

A Principal Team of 3, Leadership Team of 6, Professional Learning Teams at each Year Level, Administration Team, and Education Support Staff are dedicated and committed to building an inclusive and collaborative school culture.

Teamwork, a commitment to school improvement, role clarity and consistent application of our school policies and procedures, ensures the highest quality outcomes are at the forefront in all our interactions.

Acting Principal
Mr Ricky Joyce

Assistant Principal
Mrs Jodi Craig

Assistant Principal
Mrs Michelle Smith

Wellbeing Leader
Mrs Philippa Varszeghy

Literacy Leader
Miss Josephine Schiavello


Prep A   Mrs Rhianna Robson

Prep B   Ms Liz Hamilton

Prep C   Miss Billie Lucas

Grade 1

1A    Mrs Taylor Milligan

1B    Mr Martin Juleff

1C    Ms Tara Beckett

Grade 2

2A   Miss Edana Matthys

2B   Ms Jodie Ferguson

2C   Miss Maddie Raich

2D   Ms Emma Robinson

Grade 3

3A    Mr Brent Schutser

3B    Mr Brent Scroggie

3C    Mrs Jessica Bell / Mrs Amy Tipping

Grade 4

4A   Mrs Megan Read

4B   Mr Dylan Tickell

4C    Mr Ben Frazer

Grade 5

5A   Miss Rochelle Rose

5B    Ms Melinda Bowly

5C    Mr Cal Herley

Grade 6

6A   Miss Jeanette Ryan

6B   Mrs Marianne Robinson

6C   Mr Stuart Macdermid

Learning Support

Literacy       Mrs Angelia Jurisic

Numeracy   Miss Kate Braun

Numeracy    Ms Michelle Jenkins


Italian   Signor Fabio Giaccaria

Library   Mrs Gayle Parker

Performing Arts   Mrs Candice Bush / Mrs Lisa Stirling

Physical Education    Miss Leah Sutcliffe

Science    Mrs Jo Bosward / Mrs Tai Rodwell

Visual Arts   Mrs Heather Oke

Education Support

Mrs Katie Billing

Ms Alicia Cox

Mrs Erika Mancini

Mrs Shelly Pauw

Mr Jack Pierson

Mrs Paula Wilson

Office Support

Business Manger   Mrs Cheryl Chiswell

Office Manager     Mrs Krystal Davidson

Administration      Miss Bonnie Ferguson-Stewart

Administration      Ms Janelle Hogan

First Aid                 Mrs Megan Chandler